Thursday, August 14, 2008

Grand Opening Nevada State Headquarters of Barack Obama Campaign For Change

U.S. Senator Harry Reid
Senator Reid's Web site

"Today with our efforts we have registered 600 new voters and by the end of the day we'll have helped to register 1,000 new voters." Senator Harry Reid.

Shelley Berkley's web site

Congresswoman Shelley Berkley

"Belive me after the Democratic National Convention, the opposing party will hit us with every below-the-belt tactic." Congresswoman Berkley

Nevada State Director for Senator Barack Obama's Campaign For Change
(US Presidency Campaign 2008), Terrence Tolbert

"I'm calling myself the Nevada State Director for Change." Terrence Tolbert

Barack Obama's web site

Miss Nevada 2008

"I'm here to support all the Democratic candidates in Nevada." Miss Nevada 2008

I'd like to start this article by helping to spread truth and facts about
many of the controversies that have been spread on the web, in emails, on TV commercials, heard from radio personalities and word-of-mouth about Senator Barack Obama. These rumors and the truth listed below come directly from Barack Obama's web site. The 'mudslinging' has only just begun in this political season. If it's true what Congresswoman Shelley Berkley said today during the grand opening of the Nevada State headquarters of The Barack Obama Campaign for Change, that after the conventions are held, the presidential campaign will get ugly and people need to be prepared with the truth, I'm here blogging the truth in hopes that others will be informed.

With regards to the numerous rumors about Senator Barack Obama, here's the current list:

Barack Obama does not display a flag on his campaign plane

Details about the rumor:
Since Barack Obama renovated his campaign plane in July 2008, there has been a false rumor that the new exterior did not include an American flag on the outside of the plane.

Barack Obama’s campaign plane does, in fact, display the American flag on the outside fuselage of the plane.

SMEAR: John McCain is attacking Barack Obama for not visiting wounded troops
John McCain, his spokesmen, and his TV ads have all been politicizing our heroes overseas by making the false claim that Barack Obama snubbed wounded troops by not visiting them on his foreign trip.

Barack Obama’s campaign canceled an originally private visit (no media) to wounded troops in Germany to avoid politicizing our soldiers during his campaign-funded trip in Germany.
SMEAR: Barack Obama didn't take time for the troops.
Conservative blogs, referencing an inaccurate email from abroad, have been spreading the rumor that Barack Obama gave troops the cold shoulder on his foreign trip.

Barack Obama spent time throughout his foreign trip visiting with and thanking our troops.
SMEAR: Michelle Obama isn't proud of her country.
Michelle Obama's comments about her pride in her country have been taken out of context, again, by both the Tennessee and Washington State Republican parties in paid advertisements attacking Michelle.

Michelle Obama loves the United States and the opportunities it has given her. Even Laura Bush has defended her comments – watch the video.
(on Barack Obama's web site)

SMEAR: An email claims that Barack Obama wants to tax your home, IRA, & even your water.
A rapidly spreading email is tricking thousands—if not millions—of Americans with outrageous lies and misrepresentations about Barack Obama's tax policies.

The independent group,, concludes that the smear email about Barack Obama and taxes is “a pack of lies.”

SMEAR: Michelle Obama Says “Whitey” On a Tape
Michelle Obama is a successful attorney, a loving mother, and a respectful person. But Rush Limbaugh and his fellow right-wing attack-dogs have been spreading baseless rumors about a non-existent video tape showing Michelle Obama using a racial epithet.

The tape that Rush and others are spreading rumors about doesn't exist.
SMEAR: Barack Obama can't produce his birth certificate
Barack Obama was born in America, and his story could only happen here. But some smear-mongers claim he can't produce his birth certificate and that he is not a natural-born citizen.

and furthermore,
Barack Obama has made his birth certificate public and it can be seen here.
Barack Obama
SMEAR: Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim

Barack is a committed Christian who was sworn into the Senate on his family bible, but unscrupulous right-wing operatives are repeating the lie that he was raised a Muslim. These assertions are completely false and designed to play into the worst kind of stereotypes.

Senator Obama is a committed Christian. He has never been Muslim, and was not raised in that faith.

SMEAR: Obama's Books Contain Racially Incendiary Remarks
Barack believes in racial reconciliation based on our mutual responsibility to ourselves and each other. But a recent email forward quotes alterations, deliberate manipulations, and an outright fabrication of Obama's words on race and religion as fact.

Recent viral emails quote Barack Obama's books out of context

SMEAR: Barack Obama Won't Say the Pledge of Allegiance & He Won't Put His Hand Over His Heart
Barack Obama's grandfather, a WWII veteran, taught him the Pledge of Allegiance and inspired his strong love of this country. There's even video of Barack honoring the flag, but people who want to tear him down claim he refuses to put his hand over his heart or say the Pledge.

Barack Obama loves his flag and his country. Watch a video of Barack leading The Pledge of Allegiance in the United States Senate, with his hand over his heart.

That is ten of the hot rumors and the truth!

For anyone interested in more information about Senator Obama's Campaign for Change
or to register to vote, or volunteer, they can contact their closest (of the ten)campaign office.

They are located here:

Nevada Campaign for Change Offices
State HQ
3376 S. Eastern Ave.
Suite 115
Las Vegas, NV
(702) 466 7988

Central Las Vegas
1210 S. Valley View Rd.
Suite 114
Las Vegas, NV

Southeast Las Vegas
3711 E. Sunset Rd.
Suites C-4 through C-6
Las Vegas, NV

North Las Vegas
4060 N. Martin L King Blvd.
Suite 101B
North Las Vegas, NV

Carson City
709 E. Robinson St.
Carson City, NV

Douglas County
1662 Hwy 395
Minden, NV

445 5th St.
Elko, NV

2050 N Highway 160
Suite 200
Pahrump, NV

141 E. Pueblo St.
Suite B
Reno, NV

Nevadans can count on statewide Obama support on Nevada's web site
with the Campaign for

People can help man the phone banks, go knocking on doors, put up a voter registration section in their business, make donations of so many types.

The main thing that brought me to become a volunteer and avid supporter of Barack Obama is the friendly invitation and sense of inclusion that the other volunteers gave to me. So I hope to impart this to you the reader of my blog the same thing; individually collectively we can change the world.:)

You can sign up for updates from Barack Obama on your cell phone.
You simply text your state or zip code to: O-B-A-M-A which in numeral form is
62262 and viola! you're in the loop. Rumor has it people who are registered on the text lines will be first to know who's the VP nominee.

For more information about Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, District 1 Nevada,
Please refer to:
Berkley's site

For information on Dina Titus, who is running for Congressional District 3,
please visit:
Dina Titus

To find out more about your local government (in USA),
please visit:

For more info. about Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, please visit:
Senator Reid's Web Site

With only a 'simple majority' of Democrats in the Senate and only a slight majority in the House of Representatives in the House since the 2006 elections many politicians have found themselves unable to honor the promises that their campaigns made. The public has given Congress a lower approval rating than of President Bush. Perhaps that is because President Bush has used his right to Veto just about anything that the Democrats have brought to him.

Many democrats belive it's time to make sure that the supporters of democratic platforms need to vote democratic across the board to have a very stong majority in
both the house and the Senate and with the help of a democratic president that many of their ideals can be realized and many US citizens will be helped.

It's nice to see firsthand politicians giving rousing verbal support of other candidates like I witnessed today. Congresswoman Berkley sung the praises of Senator Reid and also made friendly gestures towards the other democratic candidates for congress Dina Titus, who is running for district 3,and Jill Derby, who's running for District 2, in addition to Senator Barack Obama's campaign for Presidency.

For more information about Jill Derby,candidate for District 2, visit her web site:
Jill Derby

If you care about health care, Earned-income-credit, a credit card bill of rights, raising the minimum wage, women's rights to choose,expansion of the family medical leave, portable health care insurance, helping Iraq refugees, restoring the international image of the United States, reforming government (i.e. no Political Action / National Lobby money), and keeping nuclear waste out of Nevada (Yucca Mt.), you'll agree to at least consider to vote for Senator Barack Obama this November.

The last day to register to vote in the presidential election in Nevada
is October 4th,2008.

I learned today that Senator Obama and Senator Reid helped the situation in Darfur, Sudan by awarding the African Union's peacekeeping mission $20,000,000.

"Nevadans may very well be the ones who elect our next president." Congresswoman Shelley Berkley

Barack Obama

Nevada for Barack Obama. Wear your Obama shirts proudly and vote Barack Obama in 2008!

Respect, Peace and Light
Xtine on the Nevada political scene

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